Risk Prediction

Every hiring decision holds the potential for unforeseen risks.

We empower you to make informed decisions that strengthen your workforce and safeguard your business from internal threats.


In a world where each hiring decision can pivot the future of your organization, Adam Milo steps in with strategic pre-employment assessments designed to fortify your team and shield your business from unforeseen risks.

Customized Risk Assessment Solutions

At Adam Milo, we specialize in identifying and mitigating the potential for counterproductive work behaviors (CWBs), leveraging AI-enhanced tools for unparalleled precision and depth.
Our offerings include:

  • Reliability tests Ensure candidate dependability and commitment to their role.
  • Personality and integrity tests Gauge alignment with organizational values.
  • Assessments of work ethicsPredict professional conduct and identify potential risks


Our proprietary SAAS for remote online employment assessment assists in evaluating an applicant’s suitability for a specific role and determining the associated risk levels of hiring for that position.


Developed by a multidisciplinary team of experts in occupational psychology, psychometrics, security, and occupational delinquency, Our platform addresses the critical need for reliable and valid tools to detect intra-organizational threats and CWBs.

Competitive Edge: Holistic Risk Management

Adam Milo’s unique approach integrates psychological insight with state-of-the-art security assessment techniques. Our holistic risk management strategy provides a detailed evaluation of candidates, uncovering both apparent and nuanced risk elements:

  • Psychological expertise Deep analysis of personality and behavioral patterns.
  • Objective security assessment tools Utilization of validated instruments for comprehensive risk assessment.
  • Unveiling risk tendencies Advanced methods to uncover risk factors in complex candidate profiles.

Global Standards Compliance

Our commitment to ethical practices is unwavering:

  • Adherence to rigorous global standards EEOC, GDPR, ISO 27001, and ISO 9001, ensuring fairness, data privacy, and adherence to best practices.
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  • Proactive Regulatory Monitoring We continuously monitor evolving laws and regulations to provide our clients with the most up-to-date practical guidance.