Risk Assessment for Employment – Managing Risks in the Recruitment Process

Regardless of the size of the organization, people are its foundation. All of us strive to find the best candidates in our respective fields, those who are best suited to our company’s DNA. One of the most effective ways to unleash the potential of employees is to ensure they are reliable.

Dec 05, 2023
Risk Assessment for Employment

During the candidate screening stage, risk assessment tests shed light on potential threats associated with hiring a candidate. This allows us to proactively identify those who may pose internal organizational threats, manage risks effectively, and make informed decisions when hiring candidates for employment.

What is an Employment Risk Assessment Test?

An employment risk assessment test assesses the likelihood of a candidate committing an act that could harm the organization. This can range from minor offenses like falsely claiming sick leave to serious transgressions such as accepting bribes, disclosing classified information to a business competitor, and more.

The reliability check examines candidates’ past behavior, norms, values, and personality traits to determine the risk level they pose to the organization. It helps detect candidates who may lack reliability and trustworthiness, preventing potential harm to the organization and saving future resources.


What Does an Employment Risk Assessment Test Include?

An employment risk assessment test comprises a wide range of questions covering topics related to integrity, fairness, and more. These questions collectively provide a comprehensive view of the candidate’s behavioral pattern, enabling efficient decision-making and selection of the most suitable candidates for the role.

The assessments are tailored to each organization and job role, making them particularly important when hiring for sensitive areas such as finance, handling merchandise, processing sensitive internal and external data, and more.

The assessments are supported by legal opinions that address human rights, equal employment opportunities, and relevant laws. They are scientifically validated and reliable.

The test is based on self-reporting, using both open and covert tools to identify candidates who may attempt to deceive. It includes various modules that assess different types of issues, allowing for maximum customization to the employer’s needs and the specific job field. For example, in financial organizations, the risk assessment test emphasizes financial fraud, asset laundering, and computer-related crimes, while in security-related positions, it focuses on physical violence patterns and substance abuse.

At the end of the test, an automatic report is generated, summarizing the findings and providing a risk assessment (low, medium, or high) for the candidate. This report offers a comprehensive understanding of the candidate’s expected reliability and helps answer many critical questions, allowing you to make well-informed choices for your organization.

Why are More and More Employers Choosing to Conduct Employment Risk Assessments?

In the past, these Assessments, were only carried out infrequently, typically when an employee was suspected of misconduct. Nowadays, employers and organizations recognize the value of conducting risk assessments in various scenarios: during candidate screening, before hiring, and even during the course of employment.

This is because the insights provided by these assessments are highly valuable. It’s important to remember that even if a candidate possesses impressive professional qualifications, if their behavior doesn’t align with the organization’s DNA and culture, professional issues may arise quickly. Issues such as theft, violence, and various types of fraud can have a significant negative impact on an organization, affecting its resources, business continuity, and brand.

What is the Difference Between an Employment Risk Assessment Test and a Polygraph?

Traditional polygraph assessments determine whether the subject is telling the truth or lying about past events or various facts. When the subject is not telling the truth, polygraph readings can identify physical signs such as sweating, rapid breathing, irregular heart rate, and blood pressure changes. Polygraph assessments do not assess attitudes, norms, or future plans.

In contrast, an employment risk assessment test allows for a proactive examination of behavioral patterns, providing insights into candidates’ potential behavior that may run counter to the organization’s policies and managerial expectations.

Furthermore, risk assessments are cost-effective and efficient, as they are conducted online, and results are automatically generated upon completion. Candidates can take the test from the comfort of their own homes at their convenience, reducing the pressure on them. This approach allows organizations to receive immediate results.

Key Takeaways

When it comes to hiring candidates for our organizations, especially in today’s significance of DEI in modern workplaces, there are many questions regarding whether or not to hire a particular individual. Relying solely on gut feelings may not always meet our expectations. Effective risk management and data-driven decisions are made possible through employment risk assessments. These assessments can be conducted from anywhere and at any time, saving valuable time and resources during the candidate selection process and allowing for secure decision-making.

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Risk Assessment for Employment