The Importance of Reliability Tests as a Hiring Parameter

As part of the hiring process, questions may arise regarding the suitability of candidates and candidacies for the position and their suitability for the organization. In every organization, there are unique internal codes, company DNA, and the success of candidate integration is directly related to compliance with these internal codes, as well as compliance with the required professional skills.

Nov 22, 2023
reliability tests

An online assessment can provide the employer with a wide range of information about the suitability of candidates during the hiring process phase, sometimes even before the interview.

Using reliability tests in the recruitment process to manage risk

In addition to testing the professional abilities of a job candidate or the candidate’s employee to move to a new position, which predict the employee’s suitability for the job, many employers are also interested in examining aspects related to the candidates’ positions.

A number of qualities related to honesty and reliability are examined by employers. It does not matter how impressive the candidates are, if their behavior patterns do not align with the law and the employer’s corporate culture, troubles may soon arise. Here are some examples:

  • Sexual harassment
  • Theft
  • Physical violence
  • Various scams

Each of these are only part of the problems that different employers have to deal with – harming the organization’s resources, business continuity, and sometimes, the corporate brand image. One of the most effective ways to manage risks in the hiring process is to perform reliability tests as part of the mandatory screening process.

Polygraph tests vs. Reliability tests

In contrast to traditional polygraph tests that examine whether the subject is telling the truth or lying in relation to past events or various facts, the polygraph detects various physical signs of this when the subject is not telling the truth – signs over which the subject is usually unable to control. Sweating, breathing rate, pulse, or blood pressure are some examples. Polygraphs cannot test attitudes, norms, or future plans: in other words, the reliability of an employee or candidate.

However, using the reliability test, behavior patterns can be tested in an essentially predictive manner – and so, in fact, it is possible to identify in advance employees with a tendency to stumble, function in a way contrary to the organization’s policies and managers’ expectations, or even predict whether the candidate will be able to integrate into the company in the future.


What is the structure of the reliability test?

The reliability test of a qualified person includes several different modules, which examine different types of problems – in such a way that the employer’s needs and the industry or occupational field in which the employee / candidate for the position can be fully adapted.

The report classifies the employment risks into low, medium and high levels, the risk levels are also divided by colors: low-green, medium-yellow and high-red.

For example, in financial organizations, the reliability test may place more emphasis on cyber crime, financial fraud and money laundering– while when it comes to security positions, the test will focus on patterns of physical violence and addictions.

At the end of the reliability test, a written report is automatically received, which summarizes the findings relating to the subject, including: a verbal assessment, along with a quantitative score referring to the question of whether the subject represents a low risk, a medium risk, or a high risk to the organization.

In the report, you’ll find a list of problematic issues identified during the test, as well as questions you should ask the candidate. Using the report, you can remove many question marks – and make informed recruitment decisions – regarding the candidate’s reliability and expected reliability.

Risk Assessment is a significant tool in the hands of the decision makers for proper risk management. Every candidate we accept for our organization is a risk. The question is what level of risk it poses, and how well its values ​​match the values ​​of the organization. Also, using Adam milo’s report, you can save precious time – since the test helps candidates raise important topics that we most likely would have missed, if we had not taken the test.

For example – a candidate who admitted that he stole from his previous workplace, a candidate who admitted that he deals with tantrums, etc. The test not only helps us make an informed decision, but also saves us very valuable time and even unnecessary salaries for people who could have greatly endangered the organization.

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reliability tests